• every moment adventure
  • love time together
  • lovers on the beach
  • holding hands happy

Brad & Tami
from Tandem Marriage

Helping you enjoy your
ride through life together.

Tandem Marriage

People Who Get Married Do So Because They Want To Spend The Rest Of Their Lives Loving That One Special Person.

That's why we got marrried and it's probably why you got married too!

Find Your Sweet Spot

It is always better to operate from your strengths as a couple. Do you even know what your strengths as a couple are? Once you do, you can learn how to maximize both the "happy" and the healthy in your marriage.

At Tandem Marriage, we can provide you with tools, resources, and many years of experience to help your marriage overcome the negative impacts of life — we can help you THRIVE! Can we really help you find your happy place as a couple once again? Yes, we can, and we do this for people just like you every day.
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Learn How to Reduce Conflict

Without a solid plan to deal with conflict, it will creep into any marriage. The more conflict you have, the more strained your communication is, and the less happy and at peace you will be. We can teach you healthier ways to communicate which will reduce and resolve conflict.

We can teach you the keys to a lower-conflict marriage. Our experience tells us that as the level of conflict goes down, happiness and satisfaction both go up. It only takes a some consistent effort to start understanding each other better and enjoy less conflict. Whenever your level of conflict goes down in marriage, your "happy" is on its way up!

Watch Your Marriage Thrive

For happy couples, it takes a plan and some intentionality to keep a marriage on track and thriving. So then, why do so many couples struggle? They fail to see the importance of intentionality and a plan. Instead, they buy into the lie that says, "If we really loved each other, then marriage should be easy." This is simply not true; a great marriage will always take some effort.

Want to be happier, but don't know where to start? You do this by allowing others who have gone before you to show you how. Sure, you could figure some of this out by yourself, but wouldn't you have already done that by now if you could? When you are ready to put our experience and resources to work for your marriage, just use the button below to go to our START page.
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If you continue in your relationship without any changes, and without help, you can only cross your fingers and hope for a good outcome.
HINT: Don't hold your breath!
Here's what you can expect on your own…

Continue in Conflict

Unresolved conflict in your marriage and in your home SUCKS! Furthermore, unresolved conflict will cost you in terms of increased stress, lower productivity, loss of peace of mind, and money spent on things that don't help! It does not have to be this way.

Spend Loads of $$$!

Not taking care of your marriage is like failing to maintain your car or allowing the plumbing in your house to leak for years and years. You can get away with that kind of neglect only for a short time before major repairs will need to be made, and major repairs ALWAYS cost more.

Fail at Marriage

Choosing NOT to make a positive change in your marriage will make everyone in your home unhappy. EVERYONE. And don't fool yourself into thinking you can keep your misery a secret. It is always better to fix marriage problems than to live with them; why would anyone choose to live with marriage problems when good help is available?

When you are ready to start in a new direction, check out our START page by clicking on the link below. Some of these resources WILL help you to get your marriage back on track if you take the time to use them. Waiting could cost you everything.

This is how you can get the communication in your marriage back on track in just 3 simple steps.

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