Welcome to the Tandem Marriage Blog…

If you aren't sure where to start reading on our blog, check out our START page here which lists some of our most popular blog articles, as well as some of our most popular resources. Otherwise, please stay here where we give some of our best advice and helpful tips. These are all of the marriage things we have been thinking about. These articles are all intended to help you have a better and more fulfilling marriage.

PRO TIP: Read each article as a couple (about one per week) and use the article as a discussion starter between the two of you. Most of these articles include some discussion questions that are a perfect way for you and your spouse to dig a little deeper.

Hope Is Always Available, Even If We Have to Search For It
by Brad Miller

This past year has been crazy for us! I'm sure it has been crazy for you too! During the week before COVID interrupted and changed all of our lives, Tami and I were preparing for a Tandem Marriage mentoring weekend with another couple. We love these weekends since they are a perfect balance of bike-riding along the beach, mentoring a sweet couple, eating some amazing food, and laughing a great deal together. In the middle of packing for this trip, we received a difficult phone call from a longtime friend in Arizona…

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Don’t Make the Mistake of Thinking Your Marriage Can Survive Without Mentors
by Brad Miller

When it comes to having a happy and thriving marriage, most of us think it’s pretty straightforward. You fall in love with each other. You decide you want to spend the rest of your lives together. You vow to love each other in front of your friends, your family, and God. Then you merely enjoy the ride from there, right? We all wish it were this simple…

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