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If you aren't sure where to start reading on our blog, check out our START page here which lists some of our most popular blog articles, as well as some of our most popular resources. Otherwise, please stay here where we give some of our best advice and helpful tips. These are all of the marriage things we have been thinking about. These articles are all intended to help you have a better and more fulfilling marriage.

PRO TIP: Read each article as a couple (about one per week) and use the article as a discussion starter between the two of you. Most of these articles include some discussion questions that are a perfect way for you and your spouse to dig a little deeper.

Life Will Throw You Some Curveballs – Can Your Marriage Survive Them?
by Brad Miller

As married couples, we all have two lives that we will live. There is the trouble-free dream-life that we planned together with our fiancé leading up to the day we married and for a time thereafter, and there is the life full of curveballs that we will inevitably need to deal with. Curveballs are unexpected, or unplanned for, situations that can push us to our limits both individually and as a couple. Furthermore, if we don't know how to…

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Most Couples Will Fight Over Finances At Some Point, But You Don't Have To!
by Brad Miller

You may have found this blog post because it has finally happened to you in your marriage—you and your spouse are in conflict over money; or stated another way, you are in conflict over your differences in how you try to manage your finances together. Don't panic, since this is merely an opportunity for you and your spouse to grow together. So, sit back, take a deep cleansing breath, and let us help you to work through this…

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Do You Feel Like You Have Tried To Improve Some Things In Your Marriage, Yet You Still Feel Stuck?
by Brad Miller

You may be one of the couples, who after working through a handful of issues still feels stuck. We want you to know, while there may be some complexities in your marriage that have not been addressed yet, you don't have to remain stuck. In these instances, Tami and I often recognized about 10 or so different unhealthy patterns that are all converging to make it feel like you are both STUCK in a rut. This is both good news and bad news. Let me explain. The good news is…

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Family: The Elephant in the Room
by Brad Miller

With the holidays approaching, I want to talk about the “elephant in the room.“ You know, that one thing that we all know is there, but don't like to acknowledge: FAMILY DRAMA!. If, on the other hand, someone reading this has a perfect family who never brings any drama to family functions, you can stop reading this now. For the rest of us, what follows is intended to help you navigate the often unpredictable waters of family dynamics without sinking your ship…

not putting there, but exposing

what do you still need to work on?

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Does the Thought of Constructive Criticism Between You and Your Spouse Make You Cringe?
by Brad Miller

The idea of "constructive criticism" for your spouse or from your spouse can seem like a euphemism at best and a guaranteed fight at worst. Therefore, we feel the need to wade into these murky waters with you for the purpose of helping to bring clarity to this idea and to help you have a better marriage than you ever dreamed possible.

We get asked some form of this question fairly often, but the most recent iteration sounded like this; 

What do you do if you have “constructive criticism” for your spouse? People do things differently and if you see somewhere where things could be improved on, how do you share…

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You Think Any Conflict Will Hurt Your Marriage, Here is Why You Are Wrong
by Brad Miller

Conflict has never been the problem.

Many of you reading this have always thought that any conflict in your marriage is a problem. Therefore, you work hard to avoid fights and don’t have any patience for them when you do have conflicts. After all, conflicts are just a big waste of time, right? Sometimes, you even secretly wonder if you have married the wrong person because of the conflicts that the two of you have. You have reasoned that if you had married a different person…

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Resentment Will Kill Your Marriage, But You Can Save It If You Do The Right Thing
by Brad Miller

Resentment is like a cancer. Resentment toward your spouse has no place in a healthy marriage — NONE! Even so, most of us have allowed little bits of this cancer-like resentment into our marriages from time to time. This article will help you understand where resentment comes from, where it will lead to if left unchecked, and how to eliminate it. Where Does Resentment Come From? Resentment is a result of unfulfilled expectations. In practical terms, this means that you had…

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How You Could be Poisoning Your Marriage Without Even Knowing it!
by Brad Miller

At some point, you will wrestle with negative thoughts about your spouse that don’t seem to have the potential to kill your marriage, but they do. Now, I’m not talking about ax-murderer kinds of thoughts, which will ruin your marriage in an instant. No, I’m talking about the thoughts that will kill your marriage very, very slowly. What I’m talking about is just like feeding your marriage one small drop of poison every day. After a week of this poison, your marriage will start to feel sick, like something…

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You Will Struggle in Your Marriage at Times
by Brad Miller

I always say that "every marriage has issues, some couples deal with those issues." The implication here is that, as a married couple, you will either deal with your issues or refuse to. There are only two choices here, you either have issues and deal with them or you have issues and ignore them. So, which kind of married couple are you? Furthermore, any individual problem that causes tension or an issue in a marriage, is a marriage problem. It is not his issue or her issue, not my issue or their issue. IT IS A…

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You Can be a Hero to Your Spouse - Are You?
by Brad Miller

At some point, we all deal with conflict and hardship in our own marriages – and we all wish we could navigate these situations better. Tami and get a great deal of feedback and questions from spouses who wish they could learn to work through these challenging issues in a healthier way than they currently do. We understand completely which is precisely why we talk about conflict so much and why I am going to share a new idea with you today. To be fair, this is not new to me (Brad) since I have been working on this idea for many years, but it will likely be…

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