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If you aren't sure where to start reading on our blog, check out our START page here which lists some of our most popular blog articles, as well as some of our most popular resources. Otherwise, please stay here where we give some of our best advice and helpful tips. These are all of the marriage things we have been thinking about. These articles are all intended to help you have a better and more fulfilling marriage.

PRO TIP: Read each article as a couple (about one per week) and use the article as a discussion starter between the two of you. Most of these articles include some discussion questions that are a perfect way for you and your spouse to dig a little deeper.

The Marriage Tree – A Story Of Deep Love And Growth
by Brad Miller

The Marriage Tree - A Love Story. Imagine the most majestic and beautiful tree that you can think of. Even better if you can recall an amazing tree you have witnessed in person, rather than one you have only seen in a picture. I have been in the presence of many trees in my life that fit this description. One quite famous tree that comes to my mind is the…

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What You Perceive As Control In Your Spouse May Not Be What It Seems
by Brad Miller

Most of the husbands I have met will talk at some point about how their wives are controlling in ways such as the wife needs to be informed about everything, have a say in everything, and often will want to tell a husband how to do things. Or, at least, that's how they see it. “What we often perceive as control in a spouse is actually much less about control than we think.” This is less about "control" and more about the differences between men's and women's brains…

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Affirming Your Spouse; It’s The Secret Sauce You’ve Been Missing
by Brad Miller

We work with couples of all ages, from 20-something well up into their 70s. Some of these partners for life have recently tied the knot and some of them, like a towering and stable tree, have many rings for all the years they have been doing life together. Because of the wide range of couples we work with, we can’t help but take note of all of the common things that these couples struggle with. One of these common struggles is…

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Yes, You CAN Have a Better Marriage in Just Seven Days
by Brad Miller

For years, people have asked us if there is an easy way to get a marriage back on track. We have always said, “There is no easy way to get a marriage back on track, you have to do the work.” When we say, “do the work,” that typically means reading and comprehending good marriage books, or making adjustments to your mindset and lifestyle, or it could mean working consistently with a good counselor. And even though we still believe that doing “the work” is a good recipe for marital success…

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We All Have Issues, Yours Are Holding You Back
by Brad Miller

Imagine a marriage in which neither you nor your spouse has any real issues: there is nothing you need to work on individually or as a couple, there are none of those awkward “rough edges” in your marriage that remind you about the tension just beneath the surface, and you both agree on just about everything (with the rare exception being the color of the master bedroom). THAT marriage will never exist in your home, in your state, or on this planet. Never!

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Are You Saying, "I Love You" Too Much?
by Brad Miller

We often get great and insightful feedback from our social media followers. Recently we posted the picture next to the title of this article that says, "I don't tell you often enough, but I love you so much!" We received quite a few responses to this post. Most people loved sharing this post with their sweeties, but some were confused. In fact, we were surprised by how confused some couples were. The following comment summarizes the confusion very well. This particular wife said, “Mine [husband] doesn't think it's necessary to say it often…

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Those Who Think They Will Never Fall Out of Love Are at the Greatest Risk of Doing So
by Brad Miller

Everyone wants to find true love and have it last forever. The ugly little truth is that things don't always work out this way—and we all know it. Couples often ask us about the best ways to stay connected. The very fact that so many ask this question implies that early on in most marriages, couples become aware that things seem to be changing—and they are indeed. Can a husband and wife learn what to expect with these changes and how to stay well-connected in spite of them? Yes, they can. We would love to share with you a simple framework to accomplish just that…

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10 Things You Can Do Today To Take Your Marriage From Good To Great
by Brad Miller

Let’s face it, everyone who is married or hopes to get married someday wants to have a great marriage. In fact, they probably want a phenomenal marriage. The problem is that not everyone knows how to have a great marriage, let alone a phenomenal one. Maybe great marriage skills were never modeled for you growing up. Maybe you and your spouse started off strong, but your marriage started to drift a bit off track and you’re not sure how to get it back on track…

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Your Wedding Anniversary is a Bigger Deal Than You Think
by Brad Miller

Thirty-two years ago I took Tamara Ann Schroer to be my wife. Everything in my life changed that day, but not in the "rainbows and sunshine" kind of way like you might expect. Tami and I made many promises to God and each other that day, but the truth is that we really had no idea how much of a BIG DEAL those promises were — until now. On the day we married (April 20th, 1985), I knew that being with Tami made me very happy and I wanted…

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The Heart of Marriage - It May Be Just What Your Marriage Needs
by Brad Miller

Every couple needs to spend quality time together. We could refer to this as emotional connection, deep bonding, or just staying connected. We all know we need to do it, but few of us are intentional enough to pull it off. Life just seems to pull us down and the quality of our relationships seems to go down with it. Tami and I recently read The Heart of Marriage. This is a collection of stories from dozens of authors (some of our favorites!), which is one of our favorite types of books to read together…

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