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If you aren't sure where to start reading on our blog, check out our START page here which lists some of our most popular blog articles, as well as some of our most popular resources. Otherwise, please stay here where we give some of our best advice and helpful tips. These are all of the marriage things we have been thinking about. These articles are all intended to help you have a better and more fulfilling marriage.

PRO TIP: Read each article as a couple (about one per week) and use the article as a discussion starter between the two of you. Most of these articles include some discussion questions that are a perfect way for you and your spouse to dig a little deeper.

Physical Intimacy In Marriage Should Have A Purpose - Does Yours?
by Brad Miller

We get asked a great deal of questions about what is permissible, sexually speaking, if you are a follower of Jesus. You may have asked yourself some of these same questions. Here are some of the actual questions we have been asked over the years. Is porn allowed if we view it together? Is masturbation allowed If I am not viewing porn? Can we use sex toys to enhance sex? Is oral sex allowed? My spouse does not like or enjoy sex, now what?…

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The Marriage Tree – A Story Of Deep Love And Growth
by Brad Miller

The Marriage Tree - A Love Story. Imagine the most majestic and beautiful tree that you can think of. Even better if you can recall an amazing tree you have witnessed in person, rather than one you have only seen in a picture. I have been in the presence of many trees in my life that fit this description. One quite famous tree that comes to my mind is the…

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A Marriage Needs Fertile Soil To Grow. Does Yours Have It?
by Brad Miller

Does your marriage have fertile soil? What does it even mean when we say "fertile soil?" This is one of those phrases that is used so often, the true meaning gets watered down. The word fertile means; (of soil or land) producing or capable of producing abundant vegetation or crops. For our purposes in this conversation, fertile soil refers to the material or environment that we plant a seed, a tree, or a marriage into in hopes of producing an abundance of good things in this life…

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Yes, You CAN Have a Better Marriage in Just Seven Days
by Brad Miller

For years, people have asked us if there is an easy way to get a marriage back on track. We have always said, “There is no easy way to get a marriage back on track, you have to do the work.” When we say, “do the work,” that typically means reading and comprehending good marriage books, or making adjustments to your mindset and lifestyle, or it could mean working consistently with a good counselor. And even though we still believe that doing “the work” is a good recipe for marital success…

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Comparison Will Ruin Your Marriage, Learning This Skill Can Save It
by Brad Miller

Most of us have some measure of a love/hate relationship with social media. We LOVE to see what other people are doing with their lives; how they live, how they vacation, how they dress, and how they love. But we ultimately HATE how all of this access into the lives of others makes us feel about ourselves and our own lives. These inevitable comparisons of our lives to the lives of others leave us with an unrealistic expectation of ourselves and our own lives. In short, we feel like we can never live up to the  standards we perceive in the lives of others…

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Conversations That All Married Couples Should Be Having
by Brad Miller

For anyone who has been married for even a short time, you already know that there are conversations the two of you should be having – but you're not. We all avoid these conversations, each of us for varied reasons. Why do we do this? Why do we not have the conversations that we know we should have? The reasons are many and maybe you can relate to a few of these examples:

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When You Look for Adventure Together, You Will Find It!
by Brad Miller

Most of you, just like Tami and I, are going stir-crazy trying to figure out ways to bring some adventure to your "stuck-at-home" life. We have been learning to be a bit more creative in an effort to continue pouring into our marriage while doing all we can to respect current conditions. With that in mind, we are so excited to tell you about our recent adventure! We recently heard some buzz about an up and coming boutique hotel called Cuyama Buckhorn…

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Vulnerability, Laughter, and Shared Interests
by Brad Miller

Allow me to set the stage for you. I (Brad) have always loved music. Sometimes it feels as if well-written song lyrics, and the music that delivers them, help me to better understand things about myself. For example, if I hear a well-written love song, I will often feel more in touch with my own feelings about love and relationships. This means that a good love song can help me process feelings of love and affection for Tami, my wife. Therefore, when I hear a good sappy love song that speaks to me deeply, I play it on repeat — sometimes for days or weeks…

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Is Your Marriage Normal?
by Brad Miller

At one time or another, most married couples will ask the question, “Is our marriage normal?” This is a difficult question to answer since it depends on your definition of normal. We would suggest that a better question to ask would be, “Is my marriage healthy?” So, what does healthy mean when we are talking about marriage? A healthy marriage is one where both spouses contribute to the marriage, love and appreciate each other as well as maintain good boundaries that would…

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Selfless Love, Thriving Marriage, and a Bunch of Pillows
by Brad Miller

I thought about titling this article, The Marriage Lessons I Learned From 100 Pillows. Sound intriguing? Good, because it certainly is! Entering into marriage, each one of us has our own preferences,  peculiarities, likes, and dislikes. This means that those characteristics of yours and those of your spouse will most likely be different. Learning how to respond to those differences can make all the difference between being happy and being very…

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