Welcome to the Tandem Marriage Blog…

If you aren't sure where to start reading on our blog, check out our START page here which lists some of our most popular blog articles, as well as some of our most popular resources. Otherwise, please stay here where we give some of our best advice and helpful tips. These are all of the marriage things we have been thinking about. These articles are all intended to help you have a better and more fulfilling marriage.

PRO TIP: Read each article as a couple (about one per week) and use the article as a discussion starter between the two of you. Most of these articles include some discussion questions that are a perfect way for you and your spouse to dig a little deeper.

How to Break Your Spouse’s Heart the Right Way - And Why Building Trust Matters
by Brad Miller

If you are married, sooner or later you will have to deliver some difficult or heartbreaking news to your spouse. Maybe you got the phone call about your spouse’s dad being in a car accident and you don't want to tell him/her. Or maybe it was your spouse letting you know he/she did not get the job they’ve been working so hard to get. Maybe there is something bigger that you know you need to get off of your chest—something that is sure to be a…

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