Contact us

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Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required so that we can better assist you with your request. Click this link if you would like to see our Privacy Policy. If you want to sign up for our email list, do so here.


You can leave a message for us at (909) 255-1350 with any questions you may have, although your best bet is to use the contact form below.


You can send snail-mail, and large extravagant gifts to us here:
Tandem Marriage
339 Cajon Street
Redlands, CA 92373

Thanks in advance for contacting us. In most cases, you should hear back from us within 24 hours.

Lastly, please acknowledge your understanding of our privacy policy by checking the box below before you submit your data.

P.S. If you don't receive an auto-reply email from us in the next 10 minutes, please check your spam folder.


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